Arts & Sciences Hall of Fame 2014
The College of Arts and Sciences inducted six new members into its Hall of Fame Oct. 10, 2014, with a ceremony at the Singletary Center for the Arts, bringing the current totals to 38 alumni and 13 emeritus faculty A&S Hall of Fame members.
2014 Alumni Inductees:
Ethelee Davidson Baxter
Robert Straus Lipman
Jill M. Rappis
George H. Scherr
2014 Emeriti Faculty Inductees:
George C. Herring
Keith B. MacAdam
A&S Hall of Fame 2014 - Dr. Keith B. MacAdam
Keith B. MacAdam was born in Rochester, N.Y., attended Swarthmore College and earned a doctorate in Physics in 1971. After research at University of Stirling in Scotland, Yale University, and the University of Arizona, he came to UK as an Assistant Professor in 1977. He built a campus-based research program in experimental atomic-molecular-optical (AMO) physics with students and post-docs, supported by the National Science Foundation and the Research Corporation. He was appointed Professor of Physics in 1986 and was a University Research Professor in 1990-91.
Nicholas Pinter: Rivers and Flooding in the 21st Century
"Rivers and Flooding in the 21st Century" Nicholas Pinter Southern Illinois University
University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences, Geology Department Sept. 18th, 2014
John L. Esposito - The Future of Islam
One of the most respected American scholarly authority on Islam, John L. Esposito, visited the University of Kentucky Wednesday, September 10, 2014, to discuss “The Future of Islam: Assessing the Elements of Reform, Revival, and Fundamentalism in the Muslim World,” at the Singletary Center Recital Hall.
Regeneration Bonus: Ann Morris
When we talked to the four biologists that make up the unofficial regeneration "cluster" at the University of Kentucky, we learned too many interesting things to cram in the group video. So we made a short video for each of them. Here's more on Ann Morris and zebrafish.
Produced by Research Communications at the University of Kentucky.
Read more:
The Committee on Social Theory Presents: Dr. Alex Callinicos
From the Social Theory Spring 2014 Lecture Series: Market Failures, April 25th, 2014.
Dr. Alex Callinicos, King's College London: "Bonfires of Illusions: the Twin Crises of the Liberal World." April 25th, 2014 University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences